Sarah Stokes Presents on Building Success While Keeping Your Sanity at Chippewa Valley SHRM

At the Chippewa Valley SHRM June meeting, HR professionals enjoyed breakfast with a side of personal wellness. Sarah Stokes, STOKES|HERZOG co-owner, presented “How to Build Success and Keep Your Sanity.” She answered the hard-hitting question of how can you build a successful life and career when it feels like you can’t see out from under your to-do list?

With two kids and two business, Sarah gives great insight on building a successful life and career, as well as managing a healthy balance between the two. To keep updated with Sarah and the STOKES|HERZOG team, like STOKES|HERZOG on Facebook.

Sarah Stokes and her husband Chris Herzog, who are both former WEAU television news anchors, started STOKES|HERZOG, an advertising and public relations agency in 2014. The agency assists both local and global clients with all of their corporate business consulting, advertising, public relations, and marketing needs including video production, website management, graphic design, social media management, and overall marketing.

chris herzog