Make Your Job Posting Stand Out

It’s no secret. Everyone is hiring. We now live in a time where employers must sell the job to candidates instead of them selling their skills to you.

We hear this pain point echoed from many employers just like you: “How do I make my company stand out in a sea of competitors?”

We’ve got a few tricks that are guaranteed to set you apart from the rest. 

A traditional job posting on Indeed or LinkedIn might look something like this: 

•               About

•               Duties

•               Requirements

•               Benefits

 Instead of this format, we recommend thinking from the perspective of a job seeker. Your posting will ultimately answer this question for the job seeker within the first few sentences:

 “What’s in it for me and why is this worth my time?”

Making these minor adjustments below to your job postings will create a lasting impression, set you apart, and drive applicants to your hiring page.


#1. Start by answering the “why should I apply” for your ideal candidate

“Do you value your free-time, flexibility, and a work-life balance? If so, keep reading…”

“Would you like to add more stability to your life and advance your career?”

“Want to get paid while making a difference in your community?”

By now, you’ve probably heard that almost everyone, (including Millennials and Gen Z’s) value free time, flexibility, and career growth. Speaking their language creates a relatable connection that encourages them to make the switch to your company. 

#2. Impact statement

Include a brief statement about your company’s mission, purpose, culture, and connectedness to the community. Showing candidates what’s important to your company (other than sales results, metrics, etc.) helps build trust that you care about your employees as much as company interests.

#3. Simplify and condense

More is less. Where can you consolidate, summarize, and cut? Too many bullets or complicated descriptor words can feel intimidating or overwhelming to those applying for entry-level positions.

#4. Break up any long paragraphs and make your posting skimmable

Since most job seekers viewing job postings on a mobile device, this will help make sure your posting gets read. Break paragraphs into blocks, no more than 2-3 sentences long.

#5. Don’t forget the salary

Posting a salary range saves both you and the job seeker time. The job seeker will be able to discern if it’s worth their time to apply and you won’t waste time interviewing a candidate that won’t agree to the terms of your wages.

#6. Direct them what to do next

A clear call-to-action directs the reader what to do next and is an invitation to take action.

“Start your career today! Apply here ___”

We hope these tips help! We know you’re busy, so if you’re in need of a team that moves fast, you’ve come to the right place.

Get in touch with us today: 715-450-1833 or email

chris herzog