Accomplish Your Social Media Goals

Accomplish new social media goals for the quarter!

Try new things! Here’s a starter list:

  1. Go live if it makes sense! Facebook is prioritizing “Facebook Lives” right now and if there is something that makes sense, it’s really easy to do a Facebook live.

  2. Share something about your company that your customers may not realize. Personal stories help your customers feel connected to you. Obviously don’t over share anything that isn’t appropriate, but things like what inspired you to get into business, or why you chose to name your business what you named it, etc.

  3. Try a new social media channel. If you haven’t explored Linkedin, Instagram, or Pinterest, take a cruise around those other options and see what fits your business. Where could you be reaching new clients?

  4. Audit your social media accounts! Make sure your address, hours of operation and contact details are current. You’d be surprised at what you’ll find!

  5. What are your customers saying? What kind of reviews are you getting? Do you reply to your posts and comments? Make sure you keep the conversation alive so your customers feel valued.

Want social media help? We’re the experts! From creating beautiful Facebook video ads to managing your brand each day, we are creating freedom for our clients!

Sarah Stokes and Chris Herzog, who are both former WEAU television news anchors, started STOKES|HERZOG, an advertising and public relations agency in 2014. The agency assists both local and global clients with all of their corporate business consulting, advertising, public relations, and marketing needs including video production, website management, graphic design, social media management and overall marketing and advertising strategy.

chris herzog