How to: answer the question, "How are you doing, staying busy?" It happens at probably every event I attend. Whether it’s an awards dinner or a simple chamber of commerce event, heck, even when I’m out putting gas in the truck and somebody I know comes up to me. It’s the inevitable question, “How are you doing? Staying busy?” Well, I’ve been fortunate since we started our businesses back in 2014 we’ve never had the occasion to not be busy. It’s been pedal to the medal with our hair on fire crazy busy. When I’m asked, I nod my head, “super busy? Yep. Check.” Is that the best way to answer that question?
Well, I see blog posts all the time touting the idea that being busy doesn’t necessarily mean you’re being effective, especially as a business owner. Between multitasking, the lack of focus on every project at hand makes me wonder, is there a shame factor for someone to answer that they’re not busy. Are they not doing well? Are they not generating profits or having trouble finding new customers? Is that a judgmenton them? Or a judgmenton their business from other people because they may have needed to be working harder so they can be just as busy as the rest of us.
So, if you get 200 people in a room from a chamber of commerce or business group, is there anyone in the room who will actually when asked say, “you know, I’m actually not that busy.” If they answer like that perhaps we need to dig deeper because there could be a bigger lesson we need to learn.
That lesson is when people ask me if I’m busy, I usually say, “my team sure is and I’m always looking for new opportunities.” I’ve found by saying that people will blink for a second and it will actually sink in sometimes for a second when they sit down. Remember, there’s a possibility even if it’s remote that someone may have a business proposition or idea for you to increase your profits, but if you’re busy; perhaps they will think you won’t be interested or maybe you don’t have time for their idea. If you’re always open to new opportunities, you’re creating openness to all possibilities. You’re opening up yourflow, as my business partner and wife, Sarah is often fond of saying.
Being busy at your desk may or may not be a good thing. Being busy in your business, may or may not be a good thing, but always being open to new opportunities could increase your profits and create more freedom for you and everyone else in your company.
-Chris Herzog
Owner & Senior Strategist
Stokes+HERZOG Advertising and Public Relations
415 East Clairemont Avenue
Eau Claire, WI 54701
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